Thursday, April 21, 2016

Chapter 7- Confidence

  • Preparation is the key to success!
  • Prepare over and over to the point where mistakes are not an option.
  •  Don't dampen the students' energy, enthusiasm, and dreams... have faith in them
  • Place confidence in the hearts and minds of children

HOW-- Classroom Confidence Builders:

"Pyramid of Pride"
Post work around the school
AR strategy w/ pictures
Sargent's Stars! (love this)
Allow opportunities for success

What are some ways you build confidence in your students?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chapter 6 Compassion

This chapter made me feel guilty. I have had limited patience with this year's group and I hate that about myself. They have pushed every single button I have. There were several things I want to try for next year, though.

Clark's guidelines for building the classroom team rapport were awesome and I plan on practicing these next year (140-141). I also want to adopt a senior citizen. This year, Howard's mom was moved from the Assisted Living to the Nursing Home and I know how much she enjoys visits by kids.

In this chapter, one point really stood out to me:

"In our society, children seem to have less and less respect for others, especially adults. I think the main reason for this is that they aren't forming bonds with adults as they used to" (137).


This really hit home. I often wonder why in the world some of our students speak to adults the way they do and this makes perfect sense. I wished I knew how to correct this...

For posting, choose one idea/point and share with the group.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Chapter 5

Balance-- Ch 5
This chapter had wonderful ideas for balance in all avenues (instruction, discipline, & our personal lives).

** By the way, my Kindle had a typo and said, "Balancing Lift with Teaching." 
Pretty sure it meant "Life." **

Several takeaways for me were:
1) Model, group practice, & independent still works: "I do, We do, You do." We also have to keep our instruction full of options to engage all students. 
2) For any discipline to work, "you have to show the kids that you care about them and find wags to make them like being around you and in your class."
3) "We can't teach about life if we don't have a life... We have to allow ourselves breaks."

Choose one of the topics (instruction, discipline, or life) and share how you use balance. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chapter 4 Reflection

Learning from Failures.... NOT a bad thing! A fun video to remind us and our students that it is not only ok, but beneficial to make mistakes.

 Ways to reflect...

How to improve

Through writing


School year (photo albums, journals, etc.)



This week's opportunity is a time for you to reflect. I would like you to offer TWO reflections in this post. Choose an area above and create a post that offers: 1) a personal reflection on your time as a student and 2) a way you allow for student reflection in one of the areas.

** NEXT WEEK is on Balance. Thank God because his energy is exhausting. I will not post during the break. We will resume on Wednesday 3/29.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Chapter 3 Creativity

This chapter made me tired. (Haha) The energy level to maintain creativity is tiring but I found it to be so true... Think about how well your students respond to those really creative and fun lessons/activities you plan. I think they know we have put in extra effort just for them. Another thing I liked was how the district introduces teachers each year. (This might be a great idea for JCS the year we combine.)

The question is this week... What is a creative classroom management technique you use to maintain order/engagement? 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Chapter 2- Adventure

"Life is too short to not take risks and to live with a daring heart and passionate spirit.... There are limits to what adults can and should do when adding adventures to a child's life." So, the question is really HOW? Clark mentions several options to incorporate a sense of adventure without ever leaving the campus. 
 - outside teaching (science lab)
-  food mentioned in a social studies lesson or reading story
-  dress up (see Mandy for ideas ;))
-  scavenger hunts (measure around the room, location of vowels on signs in building...)
-  dramatic read aloud (background music, stand on the tables, make crazy noises)
-  involved learning/ "spark" (Project based learning, readers theater)

"Experiencing new adventure reveals strength within ourselves that we might never have realized was there."

For our feedback on this chapter, please think WAY outside of the box. I know it might feel crazy or even out of reach but set a Long Term Goal of an adventure you'd like to 
a) personally take and 
b) an adventure you want to pursue for your students.

 Bucket List type things here....

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chapter 1 Enthusiasm

"There are numerous techniques to get kids to perform, but none is more effective than simply being enthusiastic yourself. When you show that you really care about something and that it means a lot to you, even the most challenging of individuals will tend to get on board and help achieve the goal you have in mind" (Clark, 21).

Reflect on that statement. Please give your thoughts on either
a) How you have seen enthusiasm transform a kid/class (your own or someone else's)
b) How will you commit to being more enthusiastic as we face the rest of the year?